Hi Linnea. I'm so very glad you decided to join me today :)). Given that this is an unusual time... I've come up with an unusual plan!

  1. Before I say anything else... start downloading The Notebook from Apple!
  2. First, I'll of course give you a chance to read everything I've written here. Hope you're able to guess all the riddles! If you need a hint, just ask ;)
  3. Then, I figured we could talk for a bit. If you haven't already, make sure you get your rose!
  4. I really enjoy crosswords, so I made you one. But keep in mind - I didn't just design the crossword itself. I created the whole app hehe :))
  5. When we're ready to do something, we're going to go to a museum together. No, not physically of course, but instead join me by visiting here! (If we want another one, we could also go here...
  6. I'm assuming you're a bit tired from walking all over the museum, let's get something to eat! I have reservations at this great Italian place, I'm sure you'll like it ;)
  7. Now that we've gotten our food, I think it might be nice to talk a bit more. But when you're ready, I thought we could watch The Martian together, assuming your download has finished

Babe, I hope you had a really great time. I'll leave this up until next year, so feel free to come back to it - you know how to get here :))

Hey there Linnea :)) Happy Valentine's Day! I really cannot wait to see you! The website might look like nothing's changed, but there are a few things. I encourage you to explore a bit, but if you wanna see everything that's changed, click this text and a list will show up :)) Oh, and about that 'new thing'; here it is. I like you a lot!

Hello There!

I'm Alex Rao - a programmer, tinkerer, and one Helluva Engineer. If you like it when I write words, you can read more of them on my blog.

I'm a Master's Student in Electrical & Computer Engineering at The Georgia Institute of Technology, with a focus on Computer Architecture & Networking. I graduated in May 2020 from GT with a Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering and a minor in Computer Science.

An Electrical Engineer by degree, my heart lies with low-level computer systems. When I'm not studying, you can usually find me hacking away at low-level C code, working on a new project for the MBED platform, experimenting with cryptographic algorithms.

I started running Cross Country in Middle School — I still try to keep it up! You can find most of my running adventures on Strava.

I started gaming on the GameBoy Advanced SP. I've since diversified my gaming experience to the latest generation of PlayStation and Xbox, as well as Nintendo and PC. Nowadays, I'm mostly on PC, although I do still dabble with platform exclusives.

I have had the great fortune to travel most of Europe. If you want to see my study abroad experience, you can look at my travel diary here.